Message from our Chairman


Message from our Chairman



I hope this will lead to a lasting relationship!

When first meeting a client, my focus is “whether I like this person or not” and is not just based on “profitability”.The most important thing for me is “take action to help this precious person”. It’s our customer.
Of course, I must consider my company’s profit.However, I believe that the best way to generate profits for my company is directly related to my customer’s success. We will be successful if our customers are successful.



AMPLY CO., LTD. is making a difference by doing things regular cosmetics OEM makers cannot do.We create solutions in product planning, manufacturing, distribution, and branding to marketing and influencer PR consultations.We consider what you think is “handy; and put ourselves in “your shoes” in order to solve your problems.We want to keep in touch with our client and do our best.Customers have many worries and problems.We’re truly happy to solve these issues, even if it is just one thing.

In the cosmetics industry back in 1984 when I started my business, It was common to have divisions of labor. If someone wanted to create a new product, every single step was separated, such as “containers are containers”, “contents are contents” and “packages are packages”. The customer had to go to different companies every step of the way.My idea was, what if you can do everything from manufacturing to distribution at one company? This should be convenient for customers …I thought so and moved this to practice. Then everyone said it was insane.It was the time that everyone said, “It’s impossible to cover everything, because just to run one business well is really tough.” However, if you order one thing and then get 100 or 200. Do you thing that is convenient or ideal?

“35 years ago, people in our industry said we were insane.However, we realized our dream step by step, and now what we do is common sense in this field.We still keep this practice today. We do everything we can for our customers, even though we are called insane or crazy, this is how we know we are doing our job well.This stance is the basis of AMPLY.””Connect with people.Customer’s problems drives our business.Things don’t end with only advice.Always keep your promises.””I want to see the happy faces of our customers.That’s is my hope and my company’s mission.”And I will not change our policy, and will continue to do what people may call insane, until the industry once again moves to call it common sense.



If you go overseas, your “common sense” will not be understood.”Overseas, I felt the majority of business leaders are young.On the other hand, leaders in Japan are aged in their 60s to 70s.I feel like Japanese leaders have the tendency to be too formal and rigid in their ways.””It’s important to follow the formalities and have structure.However, I feel it is more important to realize everyone’s dream. This is what I thought my company should be built upon.””Our society could not have been built without dreams that were once impossible. To have an impossible vision of the future brings infinite possibilities.The future of our company is infinite because we help search for dreams and help make them reality. Our goal is to make customer’s dreams come true, and we take care of human relationships to achieve it.”

Our primary focus is “people”.If my customer felt glad working together with us, this brings me happiness and satisfaction.First, take action!Then, the right path will reveal itself.
Think and reflect after the action!Do this, and your dream will come true.AMPLY is still on a growth stage.
Overseas marketing of Japanese companies are expanding and growing.Thus, adapting and trying new things constantly is necessary.I believe that to unite everybody together is the key to compete with overseas companies.It is our pleasure to meet you if you are interested in our company.Why don’t we search for something exciting together?



